I want to share this As a reply to what Dr. Malcolm Yarnell posted on David Rogers Blog here:
David Roger,
I thank God for what and how you Share the Love and Heart of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
LEGALISM (Judgmental, Self-righteous, Uncaring)How can legalism destroy our witness?Matthew 12:1-14Then he went over to the synagogue, and noticed there a man with a deformed hand. The Pharisees asked Jesus, “Is it legal to work by healing on the Sabbath day?” (They were, of course, hoping he would say “Yes,” so they could arrest him!) (Matthew 12:9-10, tlb)Legalism puts rules above God. As they pointed to the man with the shriveled hand, the Pharisees tried to trick Jesus by asking him if it was legal to heal on the Sabbath. Their Sabbath rules said that people could be helped on the Sabbath only if their lives were in danger. Jesus healed on the Sabbath several times, and none of those healings were in response to emergencies.
If Jesus had waited until another day, he would have been submitting to the Pharisees’ authority, showing that their petty rules were equal to God’s law. If he healed the man on the Sabbath, the Pharisees could claim that because Jesus broke their rules, his power was not from God. But Jesus made it clear how ridiculous and petty their rules were. God is a God of people, not rules. The best time to reach out to someone is when he or she needs help.Legalism puts rules above human needs.
The Pharisees were so concerned about Jesus’ breaking one of their rules that they did not care about the man’s shriveled hand. What is your attitude toward others? If your convictions don’t allow you to help certain people, your convictions may not be in tune with God’s Word. Don’t allow dogma to blind you to human need.Galatians 4:8-20Before you Gentiles knew God you were slaves to so-called gods that did not even exist. And now that you have found God (or I should say, now that God has found you) how can it be that you want to go back again and become slaves once more to another poor, weak, useless religion of trying to get to heaven by obeying God’s laws? (Galatians 4:8-9, tlb)Legalism kills joy.
Have you lost your joy? Paul sensed that the Galatians had lost the joy of their salvation because of legalism. Legalism can take away joy because (1) it makes people feel guilty rather than loved; (2) it produces self-hatred rather than humility; (3) it stresses performance over relationship; and (4) it points out how far short we fall rather than how far we’ve come because of what Christ did for us.
If you feel guilty and inadequate, check your focus. Are you living by faith in Christ or by trying to live up to the demands and expectations of others?Colossians 2:6-23Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence. (Colossians 2:23, niv)Legalism is attractive, but destructive. To the Colossians, the discipline demanded by the false teachers seemed good, and legalism still attracts many people today. Following a long list of religious rules requires strong self-discipline and can make a person appear moral, but religious rules cannot change a person’s heart. Only the Holy Spirit can do that.
I picked up a book at our Association Office after a meeting and I would recommend that everyone read this little book. It suggests the kind of Church JESUS would want us to be. It is filled with Humor and Wisdom. It is a quick read and is written by Mike Nappa titled, “Who Moved My Church”.
In His Name
Monday, September 17, 2007
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Brother Wayne,
I believe you missed your application with reference to the suggestion that Malcolm was inclined toward legalism. Having read your conclusions/blog, I believe I'm safe in saying; "he seems no more inclined than you, (just based on your blog response)."
ACTUALLY, I don't believe either of you are legalists. I do believe when "folks" express their concepts "strongly" there exists a possibility of concluding legalism as opposed to conviction.
For instance, I accept the "One Loaf" illustration used by David.... but, I do not think it very representative of the actual celebration of the Pesach as instituted and used by Jesus to establish the "Memorial Supper".
The Pesach pattern is still consistent with what appears to be Historically and presently practiced..... Paul referred to Jesus as our "Pass Over" (I Cor. 5:7) I find it interesting that still today the Jewish Passover uses Matzah for their observance that has stripes and is pierced. Actually, there are three, and the middle one is broken, wrapped in a cloth and hidden (Biblically suggestive of Matt. 27:38, 59 & 60)
Like you..... these are just thoughts that have occured as I have read this exchange between Malcolm and David.... obviously, a little different from your "take", but I appreciate your's as well! Blessings.... bml
Have you seen the reply that Dr Yarnell commented on David's Blog.
I suppose Jesus and all the Apostles will also have to answer to Dr. Yarnell !!!
In His Name
I read and strongly disagreed with Malcom Yarnell. However, he stated his position forcefully and defended it graciously. You and some of the other commenters got mean and personal in responses.
I disagree with Mr. Yarnell on this position. But you could learn something from his sweet Christian spirit in response to personal attacks.
Dave Miller,
I personally know or have known many Great Men of who are not Baptist and I would break bread and fellowship with them, Dr john Frame being one of them. The rest of them have pasted on to Glory and are in the Presence of the Lord. I don’t see that I attacked Dr. Malcolm Yarnell, I did ask questions. We are to test all things. I believe Dr. Malcolm Yarnell got my point of the 18 inches. Beings you agree with Dr. Malcolm Yarnell, which is it with you the Head or the Heart?
In His Name
If you could dispassionately read the exchanges between Malcom Yarnell and David Rogers, then your own posts, you would see what I am talking about.
There is a sweet spirit of discussion between them, without the strident tone of some of your statements.
And, I think I was pretty plain that is DISAGREE with Yarnell, not agree with him as you stated. I don't think I could make that any plainer in what I wrote.
What I agree with is his spirit of humility in responding to harsh attacks.
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